Maximise Sales With The Ultimate Shop Layout

Independent retail stores come in all shapes and sizes. Whether you're a seasoned farm shop pro and it's time for a refresh or you're new to the deli game we've got a few quick tips to help you optimise your store layout and maximise sales.

The key to a successful farm shop is using the space to its best potential. Good farm shop design is not just for show, it can improve the efficiency of a shop floor. This encourages customer engagement and boosts profits.

Of course, we have a lot of products that can help too! We'll highlight a few along the way but get in touch with us if you would like some more advice.

It's important to develop a space that's functional, inspiring, engaging and above all else a pleasure to shop in, so we'll give you some tips that are easy to implement and get you thinking about ways to create the ultimate layout.

Steer customers through your store

First, take a walk around your store and identify key areas on the shop floor that could benefit from some optimisation. Think about what messages you'd like to convey at each point of the customer journey. What are you hoping to communicate with your store windows, retail counter or backdrop? Where are the key focus points?

Did you know that customers generally look left then right when they enter a store? Displaying fresh, bright and vibrant produce to the left of your entrance will help psychologically engage customers when they step inside.

Avoid monotonous layouts and lengthy aisles by using a combination of different display stands and storage. Try to achieve a consistent look with elements of variety thrown in. You can use different materials, textures, heights colours to achieve this.

Whilst it's a great idea to fill an entire wall with a floor-to-ceiling CrateWall to maximise retail space, high-reaching floor stands in the middle of your shop floor block the views of the rest of your store. One way to prevent this is to use our Double Open Floor Display. We've created this CrateWall configuration to provide visibility of your products from each side so that customer eye lines and vision through to other store areas can be maintained.


Build hot spots & focal displays

Product bundling is a great way of reducing inventory of your slower-selling items and increasing the average basket value. It's a fantastic way of inspiring customers to try new products and walk out with more than they'd planned to buy. One of the easiest ways to create a product bundle is by theme. Think about how you can create a dedicated area in your shop to promote products that are commonly bought together.

Your front-of-store display should slow down your customers and encourage them to engage in products that they would otherwise bypass when making a beeline for the item at the top of their shopping list. Note how many successful retailers set up seasonal displays at entrances, often with a product that shoppers can stop to touch, smell or try.

Colour blocking is a simple and highly effective strategy visual merchandisers use to create an attention-grabbing display. You don't have to have much artistic flair to create a striking masterpiece. Seasonal colour blocking is the perfect colour scheme for farm shops. You can use the colours of your seasonal produce for merchandising promotions and displays.

Of course, product sampling is a great way to entice customers. Have a read of our guide if you haven't already!

Shopping baskets - a few simple tips

  • It's proven that a bigger shopping basket encourages customers to fill it up.
  • It may sound obvious, but place baskets where customers can see them!
  • Keep baskets stacked to a comfortable height for all of your customers.
  • Don't run out, always refill so that there are baskets ready to go.
  • Ensure small items can't fall through the bottom of the basket, we offer options with liners.
  • First impressions count. Replace any shopping baskets that are damaged.
  • Put your baskets to the test. Are they comfortable to hold in-hand and on the forearm? Are they lightweight?
  • Appeal to the environmentally conscious with Wicker Shopping Baskets.

Tell your own cohesive story

Messages are a key element of your store design and layout. They influence customer flow, create engagement opportunities and help cross-sell products. Your shop should bring your brand to life and convey your enthusiasm for what you do and what your customers love.

How would your most loyal customers describe who you are and what you do? Does this fit in with your vision for your farm store?

Messages are a key element of your store design and layout. They influence customer flow, create engagement opportunities and help cross-sell products. Your store signage can hugely influence shopper's perception of your brand too. If a customer walking past or entering your store sees a tired and outdated sign, they're probably not going to feel compelled to shop in your store. By displaying attractive, well-designed signs, visitors will recognise the quality of your business and be drawn in.

There's no need to blow the budget on professional signage (except on the outside of buildings). We've created a great guide on chalkboard lettering to provide you with the know-how to write your signs and POS.

Your signage and POS both have a part to play in telling your story. Your retail furniture and counter-top display units should make your products look their best whilst providing a visual representation of your brand values and story.


Create the right 'buzz'

A pleasant and inviting retail space will encourage customers to stay longer in your store and to make unplanned purchases which will naturally generate higher sales, customer loyalty and proactive advocacy. Think about your style, do you want customers to walk into a calm, controlled environment or a bustling, background-noise-filled hub of activity? Both have their merits...

Team enthusiasm is a key factor in creating a superior customer experience. Enthusiasm creates a more spirited, engaging environment, and more resultant interest and excitement for the customer. Design a clever, innovative store that your staff are proud of and excited to work in.

It's easy to introduce atmospheric elements into your store to stimulate customers and provoke positive behaviours. Colour, lighting and decor have a significant impact on store image. When planning your retail space, try and consider each of these elements and how you can use them to work for you.


Empty space is important too, use it wisely...

Establishing the right balance of space takes a lot of thought and consideration. A large and empty space can make your store appear sparse and feel impersonal, but an overcrowded and limited environment can feel uncomfortable and restrictive, driving customers away.

Self-build modular display units are a fantastic way of building retail furniture to fit your unique retail space without the hefty price tag of a shopfitter. If you've got an extensive wall to fill or unused dead space then a customisable CrateWall can be tailored to your exact requirements.

Most importantly be clever and creative with your use of space. If you have limited floor space, don't be afraid to come up with other ways to showcase your products. Hang products from walls or hanging rails, or merchandise on feature shelves.

We hope our guide has given you a few new ideas, as ever if there's anything you think we can do to help make your ideas a reality please do get in touch!

A great retail sign captures the customers interest. Read our next article Create Chalkboard Signs Like An Artist or browse the other guides in our Retail Display E-Learning Hub.